This infographic (and presentation) is all about Facebook statistics and it shows a demogrpahic breakdown by continent, macro-area and countries of the 596,371,760 users worldwide.
It appears that 50% male, 48% are women and 2% have an unknown gender. You can also see that 42% of all Facebook users is located in America, 27% in Asia and 25% in Europe. The data is from 15 January 2011, so it’s very recent. The top 20 countries list includes:
- 8 american countries (U.S., Mexico, Canada, Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, Chile, Venezuela)
- 6 asian countries (Indonesia, Turkey, India, Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia)
- 5 european countries (U.K., France, Italy, Germany, Spain)
- 1 oceanian country (Australia)
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Source: Amover
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