Often people say that location is the most important thing for a business. Then, the most important things is… location. And so on. There are many different reasons why location is important to a business and attracting the right staff is one of them. For many people the work location is an important criteria when searching for jobs.
According to research, women attach more importance on location when choosing a new job. Up to 33 percent will not travel further than they already do. If your company is based on a location that can easily be reached by car and public transport this could be a great pull factor when trying to attract new staff. For example, if you are looking for a new Management Assistant the work location is probably in the top three job criteria.
Choosing the right location matters if you want to hire the right skills at the right price. If you are looking for particular skills some locations are more suitable than others due to related industries in that area, unemployment rates or competitors.
Take also into account the image and work atmosphere you want to create. High class businesses require top locations and a high class interior. Be consistent. Too often career sites are filled with stock photos and don’t give insight, literally, in the working environment. That’s a real shame because it’s so easy to add a video or photos to the career site.
Here are a few examples of companies who put extra effort in creating a great work atmosphere…
Adobe’s office in Waltham, MA. Photos by Stephen Searer, Office Snapshots.
Skype’s London office, design and photos from Morgan Lovell.
Campaign Monitor
Campaign Monitor’s Sydney office.
The 37signals office in Chicago.
Ebay’s UK office, design and photos from Morgan Lovell.
The Pionen underground data center in Stockholm. Probably the coolest data center ever.
Etsy’s New York office (via Apartment Therapy). Design by the Hangar Design Group, photos by Ty Cole.
Rackspace’s UK office, design and photos from Morgan Lovell.
Pictures source: Pingdom
Do you provide a tour around of the office? Or do you show pictures/videos of the workplace on your career site? Let us know in the comments below.
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