Craftsmen, more attractive then you think [Recruitment Campaign]

With more than 4.8 million employees in over 130 occupations and annual sales in the hundreds of billions of dollars, handicraft (handwerk) is a heavyweight in the German economy. There is hardly any area of life where we could do without the skills and know-how of artisans and craftsmen. Which […]

With more than 4.8 million employees in over 130 occupations and annual sales in the hundreds of billions of dollars, handicraft (handwerk) is a heavyweight in the German economy. There is hardly any area of life where we could do without the skills and know-how of artisans and craftsmen. Which makes it more attractive then you think. And that is exactly the story in this German recruitment campaign.

 Client: Handwerk – Agency: Scholz&Friends – Shot by photographer Mark Mueller

About Jacco Valkenburg

Jacco Valkenburg is an international recruitment expert, trainer and author (5 books). He has more than 20 years experience in global recruitment strategies and execution spanning numerous countries for leading companies. As founder of Recruiter University and Recruit2 he provides companies with recruitment training and consultancy. His mission is helping companies ‘from good to great staffing’.

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