Facebook Archive
How has Facebook developed as a social recruitment channel?
Posted on October 14, 2013All social statistics of 800 Facebook career pages over the last year have been analyzed. Let’s dig into the figures of Facebook to find out. -
Advanced sourcing: diversity recruiting (tip #2)
Posted on August 26, 2013Search engines are not very intelligent and therefore it is often difficult to find what you are looking for. Every Recruiter is by now familiar with boolean search commands but another tactic or approach can yield dramatic results. In this series of advanced sourcing tips for Recruiters, I show some […] -
Everything you need to know about the new Facebook jobboard
Posted on November 14, 2012Today Facebook launched the Social Jobs Partnership’s (SJP) application [https://www.facebook.com/socialjobs/app_417814418282098], a new tool that will make it easier for people on Facebook to find and share employment opportunities. The new SJP app is a central location hosted on the world’s largest social network, giving users free access to more than […] -
Does Social Recruitment Monitor rank the best pages?
Posted on October 17, 2012No, but the new Social Recruitment Monitor does contain an interesting list of Facebook Career Pages from the Top 200 firms in the world. According to its press release: The Social Recruitment Monitor is the world’s first online tool to accurately measure and rank the social media recruitment activities of […] -
Employers demand Facebook passwords [CARTOON]
Posted on June 29, 2012Only in the USA… -
Everything you wanted to know about Facebook – Facts and Figures 2012
Posted on May 29, 2012Did you know that Facebook is responsible for 20% of all US Internet traffic? That might explain why they’re worth approximately 100 Billion Dollars these days. Here’s a list of the most compelling facts and figures about Facebook.com. 901 million monthly active users. Most popular page: Facebook, with 67,385,331 fans. 300 […] -
Facebook has more job seeking volume overall in US
Posted on November 16, 2011A new national survey from Jobvite reveals more than 22 million Americans used social networks to find their most recent job opportunity – up 7.7 million from last year’s survey. One in six members of the workforce say an online social network was one of the sources they used to […] -
10 facts why Facebook matters for Employer Branding
Posted on September 15, 2011So you don’t have a Facebook Fan Page yet? And you don’t have a LIKE button on your Career Site or Job Pages? Think again. Here are 10 quick facts you should know about consumer behavior on Facebook. -
Facebook Like for recruiting?
Posted on April 24, 2011The Facebook Like button was released 1 year ago and has been a great success. According to Facebook, 10.000 new websites are adding this social tool every day. More than 2.5 million websites have integrated with Facebook, including 80% of U.S. Top 100 websites and over 50% of comScore’s Global […] -
Everything you wanted to know about Facebook
Posted on January 24, 2011This infographic (and presentation) is all about Facebook statistics and it shows a demogrpahic breakdown by continent, macro-area and countries of the 596,371,760 users worldwide.